Testosterone Cypionate Powder


Melting point: 101-102°C
Assay: USP 98%+ by HPLC

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Testosterone cypionate Powder Briefing

Testosterone Cypionate Powder is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it a great steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. Testosterone Cypionate promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle and the more nitrogen the muscles hold the more protein the muscles store.

Summary:Testosterone cypionate is an androgen used to treat low or absent testosterone.

Product Name: Testosterone Cypionate powder
CAS number: 58-20-8
Molecular Formula: C27H40O3
Molecular Weight: 412.6047 g/mol
Melt Point: 98.0-104.0°C
Color: White crystalline powder
Storage Temp: Store at 8°C-20°C, protect from moisture and light

Testosterone Cypionate Powder promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle and the more nitrogen the muscles hold the more protein the muscles store
Testosterone Cypionate promotes sex drive, fat loss, helps with gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass, increases bone density, and may even protect against heart disease.
Testosterone Cypionate can increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1 in muscle tissue providing even more anabolic activity.
Testosterone Cypionate has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells. These cells play an active role in repairing damaged muscle.
Testosterone binds to the androgen receptor to promote androgen receptor dependent mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss

Testosterone Cypionate powder Benefits

Testosterone Cypionate Powder comes with the benefits and effects of all testosterone steroids; the ester attached to it simply controls the release time and in this case results in a slower release steroid that will suit people doing longer cycles.

Some of the big benefits you will experience when using Test Cypionate at a higher dosage for performance and bodybuilding purposes include:

  • Boosts protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, IGF-1 hormone, and keeps the body in a prime anabolic state to promote muscle growth, fat loss and, endurance muscle repair.
  • Encourages the growth of lean muscle and the loss of fat making it ideal for a bulking cycle.
  • It’s also ideal for cutting cycles as it helps retain lean muscle while fat being burnt, while also maintaining strength levels which can often otherwise suffer during heavy dieting phases.
  • Enhances athletic and muscular performance with increased endurance and the ability to workout longer and harder without tiring as quickly as you normally would, ensuring faster progress towards your results.
  • Recovery is enhanced with an increase in red blood cells getting greater amounts of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.

All of these benefits and effects are possible with Testosterone Cypionate, but your specific dosage, workout and diet routines will greatly determine just how powerful these effects will be. Your age and genetics also play a role in how this (and any other) steroid will affect you.

Your results are not necessarily going to be the same as the next guy at the gym using the exact same steroid cycle. Testosterone Cypionate provides the power to deliver exceptional results to those who are determined to use the steroid to its maximum potential.

Testosterone Cypionate Powder

Testosterone Cypionate powder, commonly referred to as “Test cyp powder”.

Testosterone Cypionate Powder is a synthetic testosterone, is a long-acting version of the parent hormone testosterone with an attached cypionate ester to delay its release into the body. Testosterone is the most potent, naturally occurring androgen that is formed in the human body. It is responsible for characteristics specific to males and their sexual traits. It mainly used in clinical treatment without testosterone disease or class testosterone, cryptorchidism, functional uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, menopausal syndrome, metastatic breast and ovarian cancer, a pituitary dwarfism, senile osteoporosis, aplastic anemia, etc.

Testosterone Cypionate Powder is a kind of difficult to get a long-term testosterone, Cypionate can effectively increase muscle mass and strength, is a little more efficient than Testosterone Enanthate, is very popular in the testosterone, but its water more, and relative to other synthetic reaction of the drug than may relatively more, clinical general effective dosage of 200-1000 mg every week, a lot of people use more 2000 mg/week,, of course, this is not very safe.

Testosterone Cypionate Powder can only be used in an injectable form and is often used to treat conditions such as low Testosterone. More than 20 million people in the United States have some form of low testosterone, which can seriously reduce the quality of life. Symptoms such as muscle mass and loss of strength, decreased libido and sexual performance, increased body fat and low energy levels are common features of low testosterone. In addition, neglect of low testosterone can be a gateway to many serious conditions such as alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Most men find injections every seven to ten days, with a total of 100mg to 250mg per injection to completely eliminate the problem.

Testosterone Cypionate powder Dosage

Beginner: 300 – 500mg weekly
Intermediate: 500 – 750mg per week
advanced users: 1,000mg or more per week

Test Cypionate possesses a half-life of around 10 – 12 days, it is recommended that Testosterone Cypionate is administered once per week at an absolute minimum. For example, a Testosterone Cypionate dosing of 500mg/week should be administered as 250mg on Monday and 250mg on Thursday every week. This minimizes peaks and valleys in blood plasma levels, and thus also reduces certain unwanted side effects due to spiking blood plasma levels of the hormone.

Testosterone Cypionate powder Cycles

A Testosterone Cypionate cycle can be designed for cutting or bulking and this is a versatile steroid that stacks very well with almost any other steroid out there whether it is used as a primary compound or for testosterone support at lower doses.

  • Beginner Testosterone Cypionate Cycles

A 12 week cycle with a dosage of between 300mg and 500mg weekly and with no other steroids included makes this a safe, simple and easy to administer testosterone-only cycle for a beginner wanting to gain quality lean mass with minimal side effects.

Testosterone is considered the safest steroid for a beginner to start with until you can determine your own individual response, and then consider adding other steroids into a stack as intermediate and advanced users do.

  • Intermediate Testosterone Cypionate Cycles

If you’re at the intermediate stage then you will likely want to combine Testosterone Cypionate with other steroids in a stacked cycle, such as Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol.

A typical cycle of this type would include Testosterone Cypionate at 500mg weekly and Deca at 400mg weekly for 12 weeks, with Dianabol providing a kickstart for the first 4 weeks only at 25mg daily.

The primary benefits of this stack for intermediate users is for making big gains in strength and bulk while making use of three of the most popular and widely used steroids in a tried and proven stack cycle.

  • Advanced Testosterone Cypionate Cycles

Advanced users will often look at using Testosterone Cypionate as a supportive compound only while relying on much more powerful steroids to take on the role of the primary anabolic compound for muscle gains.

An example advanced cycle of 12 weeks includes 200-300mg weekly of Testosterone Cypionate and 600mg per week of Trenbolone Enanthate. This cycle avoids the side effect of water retention because Testosterone Cypionate is taken at a low enough dose that aromatization can be avoided, and Trenbolone does not aromatize and convert to estrogen; therefore this advanced cycle comes with the added benefit of no estrogen related side effects.

Testosterone Cypionate injectable recipes

Test Cypionate 200mg/ml @ 100ml Recipe

20 gram Testosterone Cypionate powder (18.18ml)

2ml BA (2%)

20ml BB (20%)

59.82ml Oil

Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml @ 100ml cooking recipe:

25 gram Testosterone Cypionate powder

3ml BA (3%)

15ml BB (15%)

33.25ml EO

30ml GSO


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Testosterone Cypionate Powder
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