Trenbolone Enanthate Powder


Melt Point: 72-78℃
Color: Light yellow crystalline powder

This is the price for 100grams,please contact us for different quantity and prices!

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Trenbolone Enanthate Powder History

Initially, Trenbolone was an oral veterinary drug for improving the muscle gains in cattle. It first came into existence during the mid-60s through a German Company, Hoechst-Roussel. The manufacturers branded their veterinary product, Finajet. At the same time, Trenbolone enanthate powder was a subject of research in Los Angeles at the University of California.

This Tren Ace Germany production gained popularity for a while until its discontinuation in the late 80s. A couple of years later, another manufacturing plant in France came up with human-grade trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) under the brand name, Negma. Unfortunately, this too was illegalized in 1997.

Finally, Trenbolone enanthate appeared in the limelight as an independent product in 2004 with a brand label, trenabol. The British Dragon Company manufactured the steroid as an underground lab product. Although the corporation went out of business in 2006, the brand is still available in the black market.

Whereas Tren A doubles as a pharma and vet grade drug, Tren E and Parabolan are strictly for human use.

Trenbolone enanthate Powder Briefing

Trenbolone enanthate powder, commonly referred to as “Tren E powder” is probably known as one of, if not, the most potent muscle building steroid on the market. Tren users expect huge increases in strength and lean muscle gains on cycle.The enanthate ester is similar to Test E powder in terms of its release. There is an initial spike within the first few days which then starts to decline over a couple of weeks. Most users will inject Tren E powder twice per week to keep levels stable.Trenbolone has an androgenic and anabolic rating which is 5x higher than testosterone. Even so, users rarely report estrogenic side effects while on cycle. However, managing progesterone can be a whole other issue. New users can expect to see significant gains in strength across all lifts and huge increases in lean muscle mass, hardness and definition.Tren does have its downsides, though. It can have negative impacts on mental state and many people report little to no appetite while on cycle.

CAS: 10161-33-8 Trenbolone enanthate tren enanthate tren e pale yellow or yellow crystalline powder

Chemical Name: 4,9,11-estratrien-17beta-ol-3-one Enanthate

Alias: Trenbolone enanthate tren enanthate tren e

Chemical Name: 4,9,11-estratrien-17beta-ol-3-one Enanthate

Assay: 99%+

Molecular Formula: C25H34O3

Molecular weight: 382.54

What is Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Used For?

Trenbolone powder is the primary ingredient in the production of trenbolone enanthate injection. The chemical compound is for clinical uses.

Tren E is a champ in muscle-building, boosting of the physique, and enhancing the performance of bodybuilders or athletes. With this steroid, you can increase the muscle mass without gaining the unnecessary body fat. At least, it is among the few drugs that you can stack during the cutting and bulking phases.

Besides being a designer steroid, Trenbolone E powder is a significant element that researchers and scholars use in scientific research. It has some clinical values, especially when deriving a drug, which can address muscle loss among elderly patients.

How Does Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Work?

The absorption and metabolism of Trenbolone enanthate occur in the liver. The drug has a high affinity for the androgen receptor cells, which are responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics. Since it does not aromatize into estrogen, the steroid leads to lean muscle gain.

The presence of Tren E in the body increases the intake of ammonium ions by the muscles and subsequent improvement on protein synthesis. Despite working on the muscular tissues, this steroid stimulates appetite and reduces the rate of catabolism or muscle-wasting conditions. Apart from binding into AR, the compound also attaches to the fat cells, hence, facilitating lipolysis.

While on the kidney, Tren does not undergo any form of modification and neither does it break down. For this reason, the drug has no adverse effects on the urinal system. Excretion is through the urine.

How Long Does Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Stay In Your System?

If you figure out the half-life of an anabolic steroid, it becomes easy to estimate the amount of time this drug will stay in the system. This duration is also known as the detection time.

When you carry out a steroid test, Trenbolone Enanthate will show up five months after you’re out of the tren cycle. The reason is that its metabolism occurs at a snail’s pace. Besides, the fact that this compound features a long ester and is injectable contributes to the delay in the bloodstream.

If you take a urine test after five months, the sample will be negative. However, you should put in mind that other steroids you’ll be stacking in the tren cycle will affect the detection time. As at now, there’s no doping case against professional athletes about the use of Trenbolone.

Trenbolone enanthate powder Effects/Benefits

Trenbolone enanthate powder is a very powerful product in building muscle mass. So, when you are dieting and controlling the calorie you take in, this drug gives fat-burning advantages. When you gain lean muscle, you burn fat. With more muscle comes more strength and endurance. It also increases the metabolic rate. Hence, it leads to rapid fat loss. This product also increases the hardness of the body and changes vascularity. This leads to better physical capability. In most cases, there is no negative effect on cardiovascular health. The person taking the drug becomes leaner. The overall effects of this drug depend on each individual taking it. Its obvious benefits can be:

♦ A fast and strong bulking effect;

♦ No water-retaining effect;

♦ A noticeable fat-burning effect;

♦ An attractive muscle relief;

♦ Growth of strength and durability;

♦ Faster recovery.

Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Cycle

A typical Trenbolone cycle lasts up to eight weeks, but advanced users can do 12 weeks. The most astounding property of Trenbolone enanthate is that you can stack it with any other AAS. You can do the stacking to minimize the side effects and boost the performance of the steroid.

Ensure to incorporate testosterone in the off-season and cutting phases as it helps to balance the natural testosterone hormone in the body during PCT. For long-term users, totting up Dianabol or Anadrol will have a positive impact on your performance. However, make sure to limit the dosage of these aromatizable compounds lest you worsen the side effects.

If you are stacking within the Tren E cycle, I recommend Primobolan, Masteron, and Halotestin. Winstrol, testosterone enanthate powder, and Anavar stack well with tren in the bulking cycle.

At the end of the Trenbolone phase, you ought to dedicate the next four weeks on post cycle treatment (PCT). Failure to do so will inevitably lower the testosterone levels, spark off depression, and worse still, lose all the muscle mass. Some of the PCT supplements to consider are Nolvadex and Clomid.

Here is an example of a standard Trenbolone enanthate cycle with relevant stacking;

Intermediate Cycle

The Cutting Phase

Week Trenbolone Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate Winstrol
1-7 400mg/week 750mg/week
8-12 400mg/week 750mg/week 50mg/eod (every other day)

The Bulking Phase

Week Trenbolone Enanthate Testosterone Propionate Primobolan
1-10 400mg/week 200mg/eod 600mg/week
11-12 200mg/eod

Advanced Bulking Cycle

Week Trenbolone Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate Anavar Primobolan
1-10 400mg/week 1000mg/week 90mg/week 600mg/week
11-12 1000mg/week 90mg/week
13-14 90mg/week

Post Cycle Therapy

Immediately after you’re through with the Trenbolone enanthate cycle, make sure to take 50mg of Clomid per day. You should continue with the dose for the next 21 days. At the same time, ensure to administer 20 – 40mg of Nolvadex for ten days.

Trenbolone Enanthate Powder Reviews

Trenbolone Enanthate powder is one of the greatest anabolic steroids of all time. In fact, there are only two anabolic steroids we would place above it, Trenbolone Acetate powder and Parabolan. Trenbolone Acetate powder is the king of Tren hormones. It is easier to maintain peaked and stable blood levels with this version, is more affordable and high in supply. Parabolan, while very similar to the Enanthate version is carried by several very reputable UGL’s around the world and often carries a name similar to Parabolan or Tren Hex. The Enanthate version, while a great steroid is also manufactured by some of the worst labs on earth making a poor purchase a greater risk.

It does not matter if you’re bulking or cutting, Trenbolone Enanthate powder is perfect for either phase. The ester does not affect when you need to use a particular version of a steroid; that’s merely another myth perpetuated by many message boards. If you do find a quality supplier you know you can trust and you’d like to give this steroid a try, while we cannot encourage illegal use of the hormone, such as for those living in the United States, if you are under the safety of the law you will not be disappointed in this steroid.

Where can I buy steroids for bodybuilding?

If you’re a novice in bodybuilding, chances are, your first question went like, “Where can I buy steroids for bodybuilding when they’re illegal?”

Take a deep breath and read ahead because we’ve cracked the riddle.

Buying Trenbolone Enanthate

In most states, Trenbolone for sale and its derivatives are illegal. The manufacture and purchase of the steroid are no longer applicable for both veterinary and clinical uses. Therefore, if you want to order some for your steroid bodybuilding regime, you’ve got to make use of the black market.

In the U.S., for example, FDA has pulled the plug on the production, use, and ownership of tren. From this restriction, you can naturally conclude that no pharmaceutical company in the United States has an FDA approval to manufacture this steroid. However, if you have to make legal imports, make sure to be a genuine veterinarian or a scientific researcher.

Although Tren E is illegal in the US, UK, Australia, and Canada, most countries in the Middle East and Africa haven’t given a damn on regulating its use. In Canada, it is a Schedule IV drug under the Controlled Substance Act. You can take advantage of the opportunity and look for trenbolone acetate powder suppliers like

Unlike the other two trenbolone variants, Tren E is quite hard to find. However, you can either opt for an internet-based company or source the steroid from a local gym supplier. Either way, make sure to test their originality lest you fall prey of counterfeit and unsterilized products.

Trenbolone Enanthate Price

Trenbolone enanthate price depends on several factors. For instance, buying from a local gym supplier can be reasonably expensive than purchasing directly from an online store. Besides, each manufacturer has their price tag.

On an average scale, a 10ml vial of Tren E costs between $75 and $130 for a 200mg concentration.

Buy Tren E Online

Steroids for sale are hard to come by, due to the strict FDA laws. If you’re a novice in these bodybuilding hacks, you should never trust all the underground labs claiming to manufacture high-grade Tren. You don’t want to risk your life considering that some produce their compounds with zero quality control and no regulations.

The next question in your mind should then be, “Where can I buy steroids for bodybuilding?” Well, I’ll explain. An online shop is convenient since it saves both your time and money.

Make sure to compare the Trenbolone enanthate prices between different sellers, check the supplier’s rating, and the shipment flexibility. Besides, the website should give a piece of comprehensive information about Tren E. This info includes the benefits, trenbolone side effects, the dosage, and how to manage the side effects.


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